The Director of Publishing & Translation Pays a Visit to King Saud University Press

A visit was made by the director of publishing and translation center, Prof. Ahmed Salem on Wednesday, 26/1/1436 to King Saud university press where he was welcomed by the supervisor of the press, Prof. Mufleh Ali Al-Shuqeithry. The purpose of the visit is to learn from the experience of King Saud University in publishing and translation. Prof. Al-Shuqeithry reviewed the process of translating, authoring, and printing accepted books in the printing house of the university. He also shared the experience of King Saud University’s participation in Turkey International Exhibition for Book, Istanbul, 2014. Regarding the possibility of cooperation between the two universities, Prof. Al-Shuqeithr added that King Saud University is ready to provide assistance to Majmaah University in printing the books and journals of the university and to participate in the process of distribution in local and overseas libraries. He also proposed the possibility of benefiting from the texts books prepared by the preparatory year at King Saud University and to make the necessary adjustment to suit the university needs. A field visit was made to the printing house of the university to have a look at the constituents of it and the latest equipment used for digital printing. The visit also covered the designing, production and advertisement departments. Prof. Salem concluded the visit by extending his appreciations and thanks to King Saud University and the supervisor of the press for his invaluable efforts.
Last modified
Sunday, 28/June/2020