Authorig, verifying and publishing scientific , cultural or reference book


 1-The author  has to submit a request for publishing a scientific or cultural or reference book to the manager of Publishing and Translation Center to make sure of its importance and validity , with filling in a form.

2-The author has to attach three copies from the book project and CD copy with acknowledgement of copyright and publishing rights.

3-The publishing and Translation Center has to refer the book project to the scientific council to investigate it in the scientific publishing committee to make sure whether the book meets the requirements and the conditions of publications and recommends the names of the evaluators committee.

4-The publishing committee has to issue its recommendation for selecting the names of the evaluation committee which are composed of three evaluators.

5- The Scientific publishing committee has to issue a decree for forming  a committee to investigate the book project after studying the recommendations of the scientific publishing.

6-Each evaluator has to submit a detailed report concerned with the book project and its validity  and  the expected modification and remarks, with filling in  the required form.

7-The scientific council has to critically evaluate the reports of the evaluators in the lights of the publishing committee.  In case of giving consent to the book project, the head of scientific council will refer a copy from the report of the investigating committee to the Publishing and Translation Center which is entitled to contact the author for making the approved modifications or  explaining his own justifications . Accordingly, the board of directors will make sure that the author is willing to make the required modifications, with the possibility of resorting to a specialist.

8-The manager of Publishing and Translation has to send his report to the scientific council  with a hard copy of the book project after modifications, and CD. The drawing and illustrations have to be saved with Tiff extension and Photoshop.

9-The book project has to be referred to the Committee of the Scientific Publishing to review the report and assess the remuneration given to the author, editor and  proofreader.

10-The scientific council has to investigate the recommendation of the committee and refer the book project to the Publishing and Translation center to complete the publication procedures.

11-T he author and Publishing and Translation center have to mutually coordinate to produce the book according to the regulations and the specifications of the publication in the University.

12- The remuneration  proposed by the scientific council  shall be  paid       after   fully completing  the necessary steps of the printing process  of the book. Subsequently , it will address the Publishing and Translation Center for paying such remuneration to the author.