The Deanship of Students’ Affairs organized a meeting for the Rector Dr. Khalid Bin Sa'ad Al-Mogren with new students at the university auditorium in the main campus. The meeting began by a recitation for the Holy Quran followed by a speech for the Dean of Students’ Affairs Dr. Khalid Al-Ofaysan where he welcomed the Rector and Deputies. He expressed his gratitude with this annual meeting and promised to exert unfailing commitment to serve student at best. He also reminded students that all means of communication are available to students to discuss their matters. 
The Rector delivered a speech in which he extended his thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul Aziz and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, on the great potential in all aspects of life, particularly higher education. He noted that students have rights and duties. Among their rights is to provide them with qualified faculty members. 
With regard to the monthly allowance for students, Dr. Al-Mugren emphasized the importance paying them on time which is among the responsibilities of the university administration. He also advised students to adhere to the values and religious moral conducts in line with the approach of the Prophet peace be upon him. He also called upon all students to maintain the University property and to benefit as much as possible from the facility provided everywhere. He recommended the students to pursue their education and to dedicate their efforts in studying and choosing the good companion. He concluded his speech by stressing that communication between him and students is continuous and should not end by the end of this event. He mentioned that his door is opened for all at any time as well as all university officials. This is likely to build up a partnership between officials and students which will consequently help in solving students' problems. 

Last modified
Tuesday, 03/October/2017