Several meetings are held constantly by the committees related to the conference organized by Al-Majmaah University titled " Scientific Majors in Newly Established Universities, Challenges and Solutions) which to be held during the next year 1424 H at the University Campus.The conference will shed light on the challenges and difficulties faced by the scientific majors in newly established universities and the proposed solutions through setting appropriate programs that will meet the needs of the labor market as well as viewing the latest developments in the field of scientific research. Constructive discussion is to take place among  participants and academics to find solutions and alternatives to the challenges and difficulties facing the scientific majors in newly established universities to achieve sustainable development. The conference also aims to review the latest of research in scientific fields (health,engineering and basic sciences)  as well as creating partnership between scientific majors in newly established universities and public and private sectors. The conference also intends to encourage knowledge exchange and cooperation between newly established universities and major universities inside and outside the Kingdom in developing the scientific. 
 The themes to be addressed by the Conference have been identified and the Scientific Committee will receive and nominate papers presenters in the fields of basic sciences, health sciences and engineering sciences.The conference targets scientific majors at newly established universities and colleges (faculty members, students, and specialists in all fields referred to in the Conference themes). The Conference also targets leaders, employees in all government ministries and departments (especially higher education and health), education and general education, vocational and technical education, civil service, trade, industry,  planning, work and development and modernization and development. Moreover, it also aims to target the institutions and centers of research and studies, industrial cities and chambers of commerce, Commissions and institutions of private and public sectors, industrial, service and trade sector, media and press institutions, businessmen, interests and researchers.The conference program will include the definition of crucial ideas and issues related to the advancement of scientific majors at newly established universities in various fields as well as discussion with specialists, academics and government officials and industrialists.A special web site is to be launched soon for the Conference and will be designed through a cooperation with the media committee of the conference and IT Deanship where all data related to the conference will be downloaded on this site. Moreover, committees of the conference have been formed with their tasks in which seven committees will work on organizing the conference and they are Highe Organizational Committee, Scientific Committee, Technical Committee, Media Committee, Finance Committee, the Committee on activities associated with the Public Relations Committee which continue to meet on regular basis for the success of this conference.
Last modified
Tuesday, 28/August/2012