Scholarship students from Majmaah University studying overseas exert considerable efforts and accomplish notable achievements in different universities abroad. Scholarship students represent their country and their fellow students well through their strong interaction in various community activities in addition to their hardworking and attendance at their respective universities. One the University’s distinguished scholarship students is Adi Al-Baqmi, a student in the College of Science and Humanities in Rumah who is doing his Ph.D. degree in the UK. He has worked as a volunteer in the British Cardiac Society and participated in the “Ataat Program” sponsored by the Student Interface Magazine, which is related to the cultural attaché in Britain. Baqmi is also interested in voluntary work and humanitarian aspects of Saudi students abroad. He told us about his volunteer experience in the British Heart Association, and that he always liked voluntary work to take the advantage of his free time. Furthermore, he participated with a number of students in the third debate of the Student Debate Program "Showdown", hosted by the Saudi Club in the city of Nottingham. The episode was titled “Large Number of Universities and Businesses Prefer College Graduates from American Universities over those from British Universities under the Pretext of Efficiency ". He laid down his point of view supported by clear evidence and sound argument. The debate took 3 rounds that covered three areas: preference in employment, academic efficiency and impact of the issue on Saudi students studying overseas. Showdown is one of the new media activities of the Student Interface Magazine, which is affiliated to the Saudi Cultural Attaché in Britain. It aims to apply one of the most important concepts of conversation through the art of debate, where different opinions can be accepted. Furthermore, one can develop his/her skill of persuasion through negotiation and argument based on sound evidence. On the other hand, among the achievements of Baqmi is his winning in running for the leadership of the Saudi Club in Manchester after winning a majority of votes in the elections of the governing bodies of Saudi clubs in Britain. Baqmi pointed out that Saudi scholarship students are ambassadors of their home country abroad, and they are the builders of their country’s future. Based on this concept, the Saudi club plan in Manchester was carried out to include all aspects of scholarship students and the support they need. Baqmi added that they would do their best through coordination with the Cultural Attaché to resolve the issues and overcome the difficulties facing the students studying abroad in addition to organizing programs, courses, lectures and activities that support all members of the club as well as introducing various aspects of the Kingdom to represent it well on all occasions.

Last modified
Wednesday, 21/October/2015