The Center rests on achieving a number of objectives that contribute in undertaking its assigned tasks. These objectives are : - Manage the university incoming and outgoing correspondences and distribute mails - Manage the procedures of receiving and dispatching all correspondences, documents, transactions, mails, publications and newsletters as well as recording them electronically. - Manage the process of receiving and sending all incoming and outgoing confidential correspondences - Receive cultural magazines and books sent to the ministry and some government sectors via cultural office and dispatch them to consignee - Respond to all inquiries related to incoming and outgoing correspondences and provide departments and officials with a copy of retained transactions based on stipulated rules and instructions - Manage the procedures of receiving and sending all transactions, correspondences, letters and mails to concerned departments - Indexing, retaining and documenting all incoming and outgoing correspondences, transactions and documents, if needed - Manage the mechanism of responding to inquiries related to incoming and outgoing correspondence - Manage the mechanism of answering the beneficiaries’ inquiries via an information desk at the Center - Prepare periodical reports about the progress of the center and suggestions for improvement it which are submitted to MU Rector.