The Internal Audit Department to Visit Some of the Ministries and Governmental Sectors

In compliance with the directives of His Excellency the University Rector to exchange experience and enhance the communication means with governmental sectors that has long experience in internal audit field, a number of the university employees headed by the director of the department, Mr. Abdul Aziz Mohammad Al-Thumairi paid a visit to a number of ministries and governmental sectors to learn from their experience in running the work of internal audit and how to overcome obstacles that may encounter the department in monitoring field. The visit included the Agriculture Ministry, King Fahad of Petroleum and Minerals, Ministry of Interior and the Saline Water Conversion Corporation.

Visit the Ministry of Agriculture


Visit the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals


Visit the Ministry of Interior


Visit the General Establishment for Water Desalination

أخر تعديل
الأحد, 15/فبراير/2015