Meeting with Members of Student Advisory Council

The Vice-Dean of Academic Affairs at the College of Engineering, Dr. Saleh bin Ahmed Al-Dahash, met with members of the Student Advisory Council, who represent the three academic departments of the College, in a series of meetings to discuss the issues that concern the students of the College from a student perspective.
The Dean welcomed the members of the Council and urged them to discuss all issues concerning students of the College with transparency in their meetings.
He also stressed that the College is keen to ensure that the Student Advisory Council has an effective impact on solving the problems of the students.
The discussion of the members of the Student Advisory Council and the Vice Dean of Educational Affairs focused on the following main points:
• Workshops for students
• Rescheduling midterm and final exams
• Reducing the number of quarterly tests
• Student presentations
• Participation of students of the college in the activities of the Career Day at Majmah University
At the end of the meeting, the members of the Council thanked the Dean of the College and the Vice Dean for Educational Affairs for giving them the opportunity to discuss topics related to the student.

Last modified
Saturday, 07/July/2018