Humanities and Administrative Science Research Center

The Speech of the Center Director Dr. Mansoor Bin Othman Al-Dweihy

One of the prominent factors for the development of any nation is the much of concern given to knowledge and scientific research owing to the fact that they are an effective method for promoting proper knowledge and solving the society’s problems. To that end, Majmaah University, represented in His Highness the Rector, Vice-Rectos and officials, have taken the initiative, since the establishment of the university, in supporting scientific research via the establishment research centers, Humanities and Administrative Research Center is a case in point which is mainly advocated for research in the field of educational, social, legal, legal and linguistic science. Therefore, I call upon all researchers to grasp the opportunity via preparing research that would be of great value to the society. Eventually, I extend my thanks to the university deputyship for graduate studies and scientific research and the deanship of scientific research for their invaluable support.


Colleges and Departments served by the Center:

The Center serves all humanities and administrative departments in the following colleges:

-          Administrative & Humanities Science College

-          Educational Colleges (Female Section)

-          Humanities Studies Science Colleges ( Administrative and Humanities Departments)



-          to contribute effectively in evaluating the research projects presented by faculty members from the colleges related to the center in the filed of humanities and administration.

-          To set annual research topics that would contribute in solving the problems encountered by the society, particularly in minor institutions.

-          To provide optimum research environment that encourage innovation & creativity skills as well as assisting faculty members in producing excellent research.

-          To conduct workshops and seminars for faculty members to promote the culture of scientific research.

-          To contribute in publishing researches which have received a support from the periodical journal of the center.


Contact Us

Headquarter of the center: Administrative & Humanities Science College in Majmaah

Director Phone: 064313714 ext: 1333

Mobile: 0505123445

Secretary Phone: 064313714 ext: 1300

E-mail: [email protected]