Research Chairs Program: This program is concerned with establishing research chairs, managing them and achieving their goals

Research Chairs Committee: This committee is concerned with designing policies and strategies that to do with keeping the research chairs programs going properly and supervise them

Research Chairs Management: This is an administrative unit that executes all the financial, administrative and technical missions that are to do with research chairs program

Research Chair: This is a university unit with financial and administrative flexibility. Its missions are encouraging extrinsic sectors to contribute to establish a research and consultation environment, and facilitating its job in this area

Research Chair Supervisor: He is a teaching staff that has distinguished research and scientific production. He gets elected and hired to supervise and be responsible for the financial, administrative and scientific issues of the chair

Chair Professor: a distinguished researcher in the field of the chair; he holds a doctorate degree or any other equivalent qualification; he has some unique research interests; and he has a key role in supporting the scientific issues of the chair

Management Committee of Research Chari Issues: This committee is responsible for supervising the scientific and technical aspects of the research chair