This committee is considered the supervising body over the administrative, financial and scientific aspects of all the research chairs. It is also committed to following the achievement of goals and message of the chairs.

First: Establishing the Higher Supervisory Committee for Research Chairs

The scientific research chairs committee is established by a resolution from the University Rector:

1. The University vice President for Higher Education and Scientific Research       (head)

2. Dean of Scientific Research

3. Dean of Institute of Studies and Consultation Services

4. Three of the supervisors of Research Chairs

5. Director of Research Chairs Administration (the council secretary)

Second: The Missions of Research Chairs Committee

The missions of the committee include approving and the following:

1. General policies and plans of the research chairs programs

2. Recommending the establishment of research chairs

3. Assigning supervisors, professors and committees of research chairs a job to do

4. Approving the contracts of consultants and visiting researchers to the chair

5. Approving the yearly budget for the chairs and final expenses

6.   Approving the regulations, contracts and the clauses regulating the chairs program

7. Approving the yearly plan of the research chairs

8. Approving the reports of general performance for the chairs administration

9. Approving the administrative organization and job description of research chairs administration

10. Recommending the continuation or cessation of the research chair      

Third: Research Chairs Administration

The director of the research chairs administrations is selected by the head of the scientific research committee, and the administration of research chairs takes responsibility of the following administrative and financial missions:

1. Following the administrative and financial reports of the chairs

2. Preparing the performance reports of the research chairs

3. Performing everything related to the media and public relations affairs

4. Following the financers and supporters of the research chairs

5. Preparing the final expenses of the research programs and submitting them to the chairs committee

6. Executing the resolutions issued by the committee