Faculty Of Engineering Holds An Annual Induction Day For Its Fresh Students About The Academic Disciplines Of the College

Faculty Of Engineering Holds An Annual Induction Day For Its Fresh Students About The Academic Disciplines Of the College

Faculty of Engineering holds an Annual Induction Day for its fresh students about the academic disciplines of the college, based on the keenness of the Faculty of Engineering to educate its fresh students and strengthen the deliberate decision taken by them, to choose among the academic specialties offered by the college and achieve communication with faculty members. Therefore, the Faculty of Engineering has held an Induction Day for fresh students in the various academic departments in the college in the lounge of cultural activities in the college on Wednesday, 22/11/1435 H, in the presence of Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Dr. Mohammed bin Fahd Al Salamah, Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, Heads of Academic Departments, and faculty members. The activities of the Induction Day for students has started with a speech by Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, during which he welcomed the fresh students and urged them to exert more effort to elevate their scientific and academic levels. Then a member of the Quality Committee in the Faculty of Engineering delivered a presentation about the academic departments in the College of Engineering, the presentation included a definition of faculty members, academic plans for the academic departments, and the nature of study in the various academic departments as well as the scientific laboratories in the sections and the scientific equipment in these labs, in addition to the skills expected to be carried out by the student and acquired after graduation, and labor markets that are available to all graduates majored in the college. After that, representatives of the academic departments answered all the questions and inquiries of students about the qualifications and required skills of the student, so that he could be able to continue in his study in the college. Dean of the college confirmed to the students through answering their questions and inquiries that the college does not put any conditions or restrictions on the choice of students for the academic majors , and leave the option to the student based on his scientific desires and job orientations , thus to contribute to the strengthening of the chances of success for the student. Moreover, the Induction Day also gave an opportunity for communication between the fresh students and the senior ones in the college to utilize of their study experience. At the end of the Induction Day, the students expressed their happiness and thanks to the administration of the university for its efforts to achieve constant communication with them




أخر تعديل
الأربعاء, 24/سبتمبر/2014