A workshop entitled "Important instructions the invigilator should know"

ورشة تدريبية بعنوان " أهم الشروط التي يجب على المراقب معرفتها"

The Timetables and Tests Unit conducted on Tuesday a training workshop entitled “Important instructions the invigilator should know” and it focused on the following topics:

1. Important instructions the invigilator should know during the tests.

2. Precautionary and preventive instructions for students during exams.

3. Precautionary and preventive instructions for the observer during the tests.

The program aimed to:

1. Raise the invigilator's awareness of the instructions that must be considered in the examination hall.

2. How to manage the examination committee.

3. How the invigilator should deal with cases encountering him.

4. Coordinate between The Timetables and Tests Unit and invigilators. 

5. Ensure the success of exams in college.


Last modified
Sunday, 26/December/2021