News Archive

حملة "التطعيم ضد الإنفلونزا الموسمية، والتوعية بمرض السكري"

The Community Service and Continuous Education Unit organized in cooperation with the Health Care Center, a campaign on Seasonal Influenza Vaccination and Diabetes Awareness. The campaign was held on Tuesday in the presence of the dean, Dr. Tariq Al-Bahlal and the director the center, Mr.

برنامج بعنوان "عالم الشكولاتة"

A program entitled " World of Chocolate" was held in cooperation with the Department of English Language and the support of the Deanship of Student Affairs in the foyer of the college. 

دورة تدريبية بعنوان "كيف تصمم سيرتك الذاتية"

The Alumni Unit under the Vice-Dean's Office for Student Affairs, conducted a course entitled 'How to write your CV'. 

برنامج ثقافي بعنوان "صناعة النجاح"

The Counseling and Academic Advising Unit conducted a cultural program entitled "How to be successful" which was presented by Dr. Arafa Jebreel, and addressed the following themes:

1. What is success?

2. Success path made by you

3. Effective personality 

لقاء افتراضي بعنوان "نصائح ما بعد التخرج"

The Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, represented by the Student Support Unit, held a virtual meeting with students entitled "Tips after graduation" on Tuesday 4/11/1443 AH.

ورشة تدريبية بعنوان " التعرف على المواهب الواعدة في المجالات المختلفة"

The College's Club held a workshop entitled "Identifying potential talents in various fields".

ورشة عمل بعنوان "تطبيقات على برنامج EXCEL"

The Department of Business Administration held a workshop entitled "Applications on EXCEL" on Wednesday.

دورة تدريبية بعنوان "قراءة وتحاليل القوائم المالية"

The Community Service Unit in cooperation with the Department of Business Administration held a course entitled "Reading and analyzing financial statements".

دورة تدريبية بعنوان "المحاسبة والتقارير المالية"

The Community Service and Continuous Education in cooperation with the Department of Business Administration held a training course entitled "Accounting and Financial Reporting" on Sunday. 

الاستعداد للاختبارات

The Timetable and Exam Unit conducted a course entitled "Preparation for Exams" on Tuesday. 

The course was presented by Dr. Arafa Jebreel, who addressed the following topics:

Preparation for exam.

Anxiety and fear of exam.

During and after exam

حملة "التبرع بالدم"

The Community Service Unit organized on Tuesday a blood donation campaign in cooperation with the the Blood Bank Club at Social Responsibility Observatory, and in partnership with Hawtat Sudair Hospital, and with the support of Deanship of Community Service.

Prof. Saleh Al-Mizil, MU rector, paid a visit to the College of Science and Humanities in Hawtat Sudair accompanied by his advisor, Dr. Abdel Aziz Al-Rushud.

فعالية اليوم العالمي لسرطان الثدي

The Student Activity Unit, in cooperation with the Abdul Aziz Al-Shuwayer Health Center and the support of Deanship of Student Affairs, held an activity on the world breast cancer day.

محاضرة بعنوان "وباء كورونا دروس ووقفات"

The Student Activities Unit held a lecture entitled "lessons learned from the pandemic Covid-19".

The lecture was delivered by Ms. Badraya Al-Otaibi on Monday and addressed the following themes:

1. affliction is predestined by God

2. Types of affliction in Quran 

الدورة التدريبية الثانية بعنوان "المكتبة الرقمية السعودية"

The Training Unit at the Vice-Dean's Office for Quality and Development conducted the second course on Saudi Digital Library on Wednesday. 

ورشة عمل بعنوان " شرح كيفية عمل قوالب موحدة"

The Timetable and Exams Unit conducted a workshop entitled "How to create templates" on Tuesday.

The workshop was presented by Amani Al-Khamis, Shaikha Al-Hammad, Reem Al-Thubaity, and addressed the following themes:

First: Templates of exam 

لقاء تعريفي بوكالات الكلية

The Vice-Dean's Office held in cooperation with the Vice-Dean's Office for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research and the Vice-Dean's Office for Quality and Development, an orientation meeting on Tuesday 21/2/1443.

ورشة عمل بعنوان "قواعد في فن إدارة المال"

The Student Activity Unit in cooperation with the Department of Business Administration held a workshop entitled "Rules in money management".

The workshop was presented by Dr. Arafa Jebreel on Monday and addressed the following themes:

فعالية بعنوان "مشاريع"

The Student Support Unit at female campus in cooperation with the scientific departments, held an activity entitled “Projects” on Sunday 12/2/1443 AH.

A group of college students participated, and it included the following topics:

ورشة عمل بعنوان "ماذا بعد التخرج"

The Student Activities at female campus, represented by the Deanship of Student Affairs conducted a workshop entitled "What is next after graduation" on Wednesday.