E.impact assessment of laboratories

Environmental Impact science faculties at the University of the combined evaluation using EMS

The environmental impact assessment process for a project aimed at assessing the effects of the establishment of this project on the environment and then determine the necessary actions to reduce the negative effects and on the environment and thus achieve sustainable environmental development goals.

And it can study the environmental impact assessment more accurately on smaller and existing projects, as is the case in the current study.

The study of the current environmental impact on the scientific colleges collected at the University and in particular the laboratory within those colleges evaluation by identifying and monitoring components of the environment and damage residues from laboratories college size by environmental monitoring using her environmental record and therefore these elements classification and then the waste and damage caused rating them and try to avoid it or minimize harm and mitigation of negative effects.

This may require the involvement of various experts in the field of environmental science and so forth of disciplines commensurate with the size and nature of the problem. This calls for the use of field visits to closer working inside the labs and the surroundings and then trying to predict the changes that Sthdtha laboratories and Almbrat in the college environment and then the university environment surrounding the pursuit of ease and mitigation of signed laboratories and laboratory waste and how to dispose of them in a way honesty and sound.

Environmental impact assessment is not limited to the study of the impact of the project is finalized, but considering the damage caused him and his equipment, plant t used since the first launch of the work, as well as study the impact of the mechanisms used and waste that received such as laboratories of different types and classifications of hazardous chemicals and materials waste, such as waste Medical science laboratories colleges and colleges of science and engineering schools, and noise caused and the impact of all this on the environment around them and the communities or populations in that region, taking into account the amount of damage that accompanied.