A Project of Publishing University Thesis of Saudi Teaching Staff in Almajmaah University


University theses (whether master's or doctorate) are considered first information sources among the divisions of different information sources. Scientific Production is the memory of nation. University theses are considered first information sources as they have been prepared in scientific and educational institutions have been through different stages staring with choosing the title and presenting to the experts in the field, one of those experts chooses to supervise the thesis and ending with presenting it to a scientific committee so it becomes a ready information object researchers seek each in his area.  

This initiative is a tool to achieve one of the strategic goals of the Deanship which is "Introducing scientific production of university employees by appropriate means". This initiative starts with introducing university theses of Saudi teaching staff

  • Importance of the project:
  • Achieving one of the strategic goals of the Deanship
  • University Theses are first information sources
  • Utilizing the scientific material available in the theses
  • Getting to know the value of this production and its topical, special and temporal benefits
  • The status of the university represented by Deanship of Libraries Affairs on the local and international university publication rankings
  • Perhaps these theses will be the nucleus of establishing a digital repository for Almajmaah University on the internet after agreeing on intellectual rights in the digital environment