جدول حلقات النقاش العلمى المقام بقسم الرياضيات

 ((جدول حلقات النقاش العلمى المقام بقسم الرياضيات

خلال العام الجامعى   1438/1439))

Seminar Schedule- Department of Mathematics-1st academic year 1438/1439

 ((جدول حلقات النقاش العلمى المقام بقسم الرياضيات

خلال العام الجامعى   1437/1438))

Seminar Schedule- Department of Mathematics-1st academic year 1437/1438

   (Subject Name) موضوع الحلقة


(Lecturer) المحاضر


Complete Resituated Lattice

In the Seminar a   characterizations of complete resituated lattice and complete MV-algebra are introduced. And give some examples

د/محمد محمد خلف حسين


Cubic Ideals of Subtraction Algebra

We develop and explore the theory of subtraction algebras in terms of cubic sets. We also study the properties of ideals of subtraction alagebras based on generalized cubic sets and provided some example

د نافيد يعقوب


Fluctuations in Interactions of Prey

Predator Systems

In this seminar, we introduce non-classical system and non-autonomous differential equations to take account fluctuations in prey predator system for describing prey predator interactions, which make the description more realistic. Fluctuations involve gradual changes that are represented through sinusoid function, while piecewise function is used to describe sudden changes, whereas the sinusoid function is approximated to three scenarios. The theoretical results explain that Kolmogorov conditions change and it is not applicable according to each scenario.


د. جودت عقيل الإبراهيم


Sampling theorems associated with differential operators with finite rank perturbations

We derive a sampling theorem associated with first order selfadjointeigenvalue problem with a finite rank perturbation. The class of the sampled integral transforms is of finite Fourier type where the kernel has an additional perturbation

د/عمر حسن خليل


Applications in function calculus to K-uniform close to convex functions of complex order

In this seminar we discuss the close-to-convexity to conic domains with complex order by applying fractional calculus operator

د. وسيم الحق حسين